
Smoking is one of the most common reasons for getting cancer. And everyone, who is doing it, has to quit I guess. You really ruining your health for no reason. If do like smoking that much, you better try for vaping with delicious nimbus and still smoking and not get any harm for your health.

Yes, I agree with this point of view. vapingdaily.com - my source of information about vaping. Vaping Is Less Harmful Than Smoking, but It's Still Not 100% Safe.

Concept to Clinic Challenge video

Aug 2, 2017

We’re calling on a global community of data scientists, engineers, designers, and researchers to build an open source software application that brings advances from machine learning into the clinic. We’re not just optimizing an algorithm for a single metric—we’re collaborating to build tools which put AI in the hands of clinicians.

In addition to pushing forward the cutting-edge of open clinical software, top contributors will be eligible for a share of $100,000 in monetary prizes generously provided by the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.