

Staff member

August 6, 2013

A personal project showing a robotic plant as it grows and blooms into a vibrant flower. It combines organic movement with a clean mechanical aesthetic while the glitchy music and visual effects represent the chaotic side of nature.


Published on Apr 3, 2012

The secret world of plants gets us closer to these motionless and quiet creatures, so attractive and surprising as the rest of the living creatures.
The documentary reveals the most unknown aspects of the vegetable kingdom. We will learn about the secret of the eternal youth of a 3500 years old sequoia and be charmed by the 'rafflesia arnoldi' flowers, able to reach up to one meter of diameter. An exhaustive journey through the world of plants, from its domain over humid areas in mangrove covers, where they are able to live inside the water, to the most arid spots, conquered by the 'Welwitzia mirabilis', whose leaves reach up to six meter length

In The Mind Of Plants (Full documentary)

Published on Feb 5, 2015

Over the recent years, a small but growing group of researchers from Austria, Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, South Africa and the USA, has developed a new scientific field of research: the neurobiology of plants. Their discoveries question the traditional boundaries set between the animal and the vegetable kingdom: plants are capable to develop the cognitive process claimed by humans and animals.

If plants can move, and feel... Could they possibly think ? In a creative and captivating scientific investigation style, through spectacular specialist photography and CGI, and re-creating scientific experiments, this documentary is bound to change your own perception of plants.

Can Artificial Photosynthesis Save The Planet?

Published on May 6, 2015

Plants generate energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Now, researchers have created an ARTIFICIAL photosynthesis process that uses nanotechnology and biology to capture carbon before it can be emitted into the atmosphere. And while plants use this process to turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates, the artificial method can use it to build acetate. From there, this system could be used to make plastics or (maybe) fuel!

The secret sounds of plants

Published on Jun 30, 2016

A small device could let researchers, farmers and amateur plant lovers listen in to electrical changes inside their plants – but what do they mean?

Making of the Sunbot
from Kathleen McDermott
September 8, 2016

Some video footage showing the process of making the Sunbot, with subtitles that are hopefully helpful if you plan to recreate it. More information, including photos and code can be found at kthartic.com (instructions for Sunbot). This by no means a perfect bot! Feel free to make it better : ).

Artificial leaf as mini-factory for medicine

Published on Dec 21, 2016

To produce medicine sustainably and cheaply, anywhere you want. Whether in the middle of the jungle or even on Mars. A ‘mini-factory’ whereby sunlight can be captured to make chemical products. Inspired by the art of nature where leaves are able to collect enough sunlight to produce food, chemical engineers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have presented such a scenario.

"Artificial leaf as mini-factory for medicine"

April 24, 2018

Android Things presents: Machine Learning Flowers

Published on Oct 26, 2018

Learn how Googlers worked to build a garden of Machine Learning powered flowers, each uniquely designed to showcase the power of machine learning, Android Things on-device processing, and robotics capabilities. You’ll quickly learn about the two types of flowers (Continuum and Emotion), how each was built, and how you can build a similar flower at home!