This is test footage and images of the animatronic head built for Edgar Wrights "The World's End". This is a fairly simple head with only eye and jaw movement but has just enough functionality to sell the gag! Used during the fight sequence in the toilets.
Technical Description:
The head has 12 servos, 10 for the eye and brows and 2 for the jaw/jaw slew. Eye mixing and jitter was programmed in my own iPuP-EXT unit, with dual 3 axis control sticks for pupeteering. The head was self contained utilising a magnetic latching battery compartment in the base of the neck, and a magnetic on/off switch buried below the skin for ease of power saving without battery removal.
Build Credits:
Lifecast: Tom Packwood, Brian Best & Nicola Grimshaw
Cleanup sculptor: Justin Pitkethly
Mould: Tom Packwood
Mechanical design/ build: Gustav Hoegen
Electronics / performance software & pupeteering: Matt Denton
Silicone skin, seams & paint: Nicola Grimshaw
Hair: Maria Cork & Waldo Mason