Crime-Fighting Police Robot
Uploaded on Jan 13, 2012
There are already police robots currently on the market. However, in this week's episode, Vince and Allison show us one that can also climb stairs...and be built at an economical price.
There are already police robots currently on the market. However, in this week's episode, Vince and Allison show us one that can also climb stairs...and be built at an economical price.
The U.S. Border Patrol is unveiling its latest technology in the underground war - a wireless, camera-equipped robot that can do the job of a human agent in a fraction of the time. (Jan. 14)
The fifth-biggest jail in the United States has become the home to the most cutting edge energy technology in the world. California's Santa Rita detention facility has an $11.7 million dollar "Smart Grid" project thatutilizes everything from fuel cells to robots to save tax payers $2.5 million annually.
A man in Lincoln County barricaded himself in his car for 12 hours. Video shows him gasping for air and holding a gun to his head.
GITEX 2016 | Get Ready for Robot Police (M Police)
This video is based on Robot cops, that will soon patrol the streets of Dubai in partnership with the city’s police force. The latest prototypes have been unveiled at the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX).