Strong AI Nature - Ben Goertzel
Published on Sep 23, 2012
AI is more than just a bad guy in sci-fi films. How close are we to creating computers that actually think on their own?
Murray Shanahan is Professor of Cognitive Robotics in the Dept. of Computing at Imperial College London, where he heads the Neurodynamics Group. His publications span artificial intelligence, robotics, logic, dynamical systems, computational neuroscience, and philosophy of mind. He was scientific advisor to the film Ex Machina, which was partly inspired by his book “Embodiment and the Inner Life” (OUP, 2010).
In this talk he describes what he sees as the main obstacles to achieving human-level artificial intelligence given the current state of machine learning, and suggests a number of ways these obstacles might be overcome. These include speculations on a) Geoff Hinton's notion of thought vectors, b) hybrid symbolic-neural approaches, and c) cognitive architectures inspired by Bernard Baars's global workspace theory.
AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio explores paths forward to human-level artificial intelligence at the January 2017 Asilomar conference organized by the Future of Life Institute.
Kimera System’s Co-founder, Nick Gilman explains the difference between Artificial General Intelligence and Narrow AI, and gives insight into the codependent nature of both.
Presentation given by Matt Taylor of Numenta at the "Towards AGI" Meetup at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension.