Subgroup of the GRASP Lab and Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department
Website -
Leader - Mark Yim
Projects and products:
Modboats, low-cost modular, self-reconfigurable robotic swimmers
SMORES-EP, modular robot
Piccolissimo, smallest self-powered flying vehicle
Hybrid Exploration Robot for Air and Land Deployment (H.E.R.A.L.D)
Persona, telepresence robot
SEAL Pack, versatile, portable, and rapidly deployable sea, air, and land robotic vehicle
Structure synthesis on-the-fly, FoamBot and CKBot modules
Website -
Leader - Mark Yim
Projects and products:
Modboats, low-cost modular, self-reconfigurable robotic swimmers
SMORES-EP, modular robot
Piccolissimo, smallest self-powered flying vehicle
Hybrid Exploration Robot for Air and Land Deployment (H.E.R.A.L.D)
Persona, telepresence robot
SEAL Pack, versatile, portable, and rapidly deployable sea, air, and land robotic vehicle
Structure synthesis on-the-fly, FoamBot and CKBot modules
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