Orbii, mobile home security robot, Dallas, Texas, USA

Tech Wildcatters SensorSphere

Published on Aug 13, 2015

As part of TechWildcatters Emerge program Omar Barlas and his team Technology Solutions have developed their idea into an actual product. The have a prototype and are ready to start their KickStarter project.

SensorSphere - Monitor home away from home

Published on Oct 27, 2015

Wi-Fi Connected Robotic Ball with Camera, Microphone, Speaker and array of environmental monitoring sensors to monitor home away from home

SensorSphere Robotic Home Monitoring at CES Unveiled NYC!

Published on Nov 12, 2015

Live from CES Unveiled NYC 2015! Natalie Fletcher joins us on the BeTerrific CES Unveiled NYC Live Show to show us SensorSphere, a robotic wi-fi connected ball with an HD camera that's used for home monitoring!