Patch Management Inc., spray injection road repair business, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania, USA

The Pothole Killers Rescue Utica, NY Streets

Uploaded on May 30, 2010

Patch Management's Pothole Killers are saving Utica, NY's streets from dreaded potholes. This cost-efficient method of filling potholes using one-man in a special spray truck is saving Utica thousands of dollars and saving Utica's citizens the expense of repairing their cars. The Pothole Killers can come to YOUR city, too.
Article "Exterminate! Is 200,000 'Dalek' machine that blasts potholes in just 120 seconds the answer to Britain's crumbling roads?"

The 200,000 machine is on trial in central Bedfordshire where it is filling in potholes 30 times faster than conventional methods
It has a robotic arm, which extends from the cab over the pothole and fills it with material to fill in the crater
The machine blows away the dust and loose debris, sprays a tar-like glue over the hole, then lays gravel on top
It is named after the Dr Who villains who exterminate problems in their path
Millions of motorists will battle potholes over the Easter weekend as 3.4million Britons are expected to go on staycation

by Sarah Griffiths
April 17, 2014