Peter H. Diamandis

Exponential Thinking (Peter Diamandis) - Exponential Finance 2014

Published on Aug 18, 2014

Peter Diamandis speaking about "Exponential Thinking" at Singularity University's Exponential Finance Conference 2014.

Exponential Technologies

Published on Mar 9, 2015

Beware the Kodak moment, warns Peter H. Diamandis in this exclusive video for the World Economic Forum. Entrepreneur Diamandis - co-founder and chairman of Singularity University (SU) - says we all need to wake up to the potential threats and opportunities of disruptive technologies.

Watch the full video above or read selected quotes below

On the pace of change
“My goal is to give you a sense of the pace of change. We haven't seen one percent of the rate of change that we going to see within the next ten years. It used to be that a thousand years ago, the only people who could change a nation or a region of the world were the Kings and Queens. One hundred years ago it was the industrialists, the robber barons, that could make the change.Today it’s anyone…”

“Anyone passionate enough is given access to these accelerating exponential technologies, and can take on the world’s grand challenges and, I believe, solve them. These technologies are the levers to impact one billion people. We cultivate at least 15 startups a year out of SU. An entrepreneur can actually start a company that impacts one billion people in a decade. At Singularity University, we teach: “If you want to become a billionaire, help a billion people. The world’s biggest problems, are the world’s biggest business opportunities.”

On the Kodak Moment
“We grew up with Kodak being one of the mainstay brands of the world. In 1996 Kodak was at the top of their game. It was a 28 billion dollar company with 140,000 employees that 20 years earlier had invented the digital camera, but failed to see the potential of it. In 2012 Kodak declares bankruptcy, effectively disrupted by the very technology that they had invented. They didn't understand what exponential growth would look like.”

“What’s interesting is that in 2012 Instagram gets acquired by Facebook. They’re also in the digital image business, but they've got 13 employees with a one billion dollar valuation. The difference between what is an exponential company and the linear one is this kind of disruption. I call it the new Kodak moment.”

On Democratising Knowledge
In 2010 the average computer was calculating at 100 billion calculations per second, which is more computational power than we had in the entire US Space programme in the 60’s and 70’s. In 2023, eight years from now, the average thousand dollar computer that you will go down to the store and purchase is calculating at 10 to the 16 cycles per second. That's just a number unless you speak to a neurophysiologist who tells you it's the rate at which your visual and auditory cortex does pattern recognition. So what happens when a thousand bucks buys you the computational power of the human brain? 25 years later a thousand dollar computer will buy you the computational power of the whole human race.”

“We’re heading towards a trillion sensor economy where effectively you’re going to be able to know anything you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. These technologies are democratised technologies - they’re accessible to almost everybody. So a kid in Mumbai on a smartphone, has access to more cloud computing power than the chairman of MIT had twenty years ago. And more access to knowledge and information than President Clinton had twenty years ago. It’s an extraordinary democratisation that’s going on.”

Dr. Peter H. Diamandis — Intelligent Self-directed Evolution

Published on Jan 25, 2015

Global Future 2045: Towards a New Strategy for Human Evolution
New York City, 2013

Dr. Peter H Diamandis
Abundance Engineer
Physician, entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation. Author of Abundance.

Intelligent Self-directed Evolution Drives Mankind's Metamorphosis into an Immortal Planetary Meta-intelligence
We are extraordinarily fortunate to be alive on this planet during a period of unprecedented, exponentially accelerating, self-directed evolutionary change. We humans have begun to incorporate technology inside ourselves. Humans themselves are becoming an information technology. Over the last decades mankind has suddenly started changing from a loose collection of 7 billion individuals to a new kind of perpetually morphing non-physical social tissue woven from densely interconnected arrays of mobile person-nodes.

In this process we—humanity—are becoming a new organism: a meta-intelligence. As a species, as this new organism, we are becoming conscious on an unprecedented new level, in a new cosmic-scale realm.

As we are going through the metamorphosis process of becoming this new meta-intelligence organism, we are going from evolution by natural selection—Darwinism—to evolution by intelligent direction. We are starting to direct the evolution of our biology and of our minds ourselves. Before long, this will result in our minds becoming independent from their original biological substrate—the biological human brain—the evolution speed of which has become far too slow to keep up with our exponentially increasing pace of innovation and invention. As we begin to liberate our thoughts, our memes, our consciousness from the biological constraints that we presently have, this will allow us to evolve far faster and ever faster.

Beyond the great personal benefit of immortality, the species-level benefits of making our minds and bodies substrate-independent and non-biological include becoming a truly spacefaring species thanks to gaining the ability to travel near the speed of light while also remaining alive for far longer than the currently normal human lifespan. This will free us from the shackles of Earthly gravity and enable us to go explore and populate our solar system, our galaxy, our universe and what may be an infinite number of universes.

Persons are now empowered more than ever before. As an individual I can now already tap into 'global genius' anywhere in the world. This trend is accelerating at an exponential rate and will result in us—jointly and severally—to become quite god-like with 'life-everlasting'. We will no longer have to die a physical death, enabling who we are—our mission, our purpose, our consciousness—to continue for a far longer time.

When we—mankind—will become fully conscious and self-aware as a planetary-scale meta-intelligence ourselves, we will be able to look out into the universe in new ways, with new kinds of 'eyes', and see thousands or millions or billions of similar conscious planet-level entities that have come into being all around us in our galaxy and the myriad galaxies beyond our own.

That all of this is happening during our lifetimes is powerfully extraordinary. That makes it so exciting to be alive right now.

In the field of Innovation, Diamandis is Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private spaceflight. Today the X PRIZE leads the world in designing and operating large-scale global competitions to solve market failures. He is also the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that studies exponentially growing technologies, their ability to transform industries and solve humanity’s grand challenges.

In the field of commercial space, Diamandis is Co-Founder/Co-Chairman of Planetary Resources, a company designing spacecraft to enable the detection and mining of asteroid for precious materials. He is the also Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Space Adventures, the only company to have brokered the launches of private citizens to the International Space Station, and co-Founder, past-CEO of Zero Gravity Corporation providing weightless parabolic flights.

He earned an undergraduate degree in Molecular Genetics and a graduate degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School.

He has won multiple awards, including the first Heinlein Laureate, the 2010 Economist “No Boundaries” Innovator of the Year Award, the 2007 Arthur C. Clarke Award, the 2006 Lindbergh Award, the 2006 Neil Armstrong Award and first place in the Estes rocket design contest when he was an 8th grader.

Diamandis’ mission is to open the space frontier for humanity.

His personal motto is: “The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.”