RoBee, humanoid robot, Oversonic Robotics Srl, Besana in Brianza, Lombardy, Italy

RoBee, the humanoid for smart industries by italian Oversonic

May 24, 2022

A new generation of cognitive robots, 100% Made in Italy. Created to operate within smart industries and assist people in tasks dangerous to human health

Why a humanoid robot? Tech Talk with Bruno Siciliano – Oversonic – 31 Jan 2023

Feb 2, 2023

What are the challenges in the development of humanoid robotic systems? What are the advantages and what are the criticalities? Bruno Siciliano, coordinator of PRISMA Lab, discusses these themes with Fabio Puglia, president and co-founder of Oversonic Robotics. Moderated by science journalist Riccardo Oldani, Siciliano and Puglia also bring concrete cases of the development of two humanoid robots, Rodyman and RoBee respectively, and their applications.