Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia Labs), design, develop and implement robotic and non-robotic automation solutions, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Liver

Energy Efficient Legged Robotics at Sandia Labs

Published on Dec 16, 2014

Sandia is developing energy efficient actuation and drive train technologies to dramatically improve the charge life of legged robots. The work is supported by DARPA, and Sandia will demonstrate an energy efficient bipedal robot at the technology exposition section of the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals in June, 2015. This video, the first in a series, describes early development and initial integration of the Sandia Transmission Efficient Prototype Promoting Research (STEPPR) robot.

Energy Efficient Legged Robotics at Sandia Labs, Pt. 2

Published on Jun 2, 2015

Sandia is developing energy efficient actuation and drive train technologies to dramatically improve the charge life of legged robots. The work is supported by DARPA, and Sandia will demonstrate an energy efficient bipedal robot at the technology exposition section of the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals in June, 2015. This video, the second in a series, describes the continued development and integration of the Sandia Transmission Efficient Prototype Promoting Research (STEPPR) robot.