Human migration to other planets could be just around the corner. Projects currently underway are pursuing a wide range of goals—from colonizing Mars to tapping asteroids as an energy source. A new space race is upon us.
This time, however, the question is not who can get there first, but who can develop the right business model.
In this conversation with William Dávila, Head of Corporate Relations at IE Business School, OffWorld co-founder James Murray argues that space exploration must yield tangible benefits for our planet.
"With the technology currently available, mineral extraction is a relatively simple activity. The difficulty depends largely on where you decide to go—to the lunar surface, or to a particular asteroid. There are many different types of asteroids. Some contain volatiles such as water. Some are pure metal. Others are like a desert—full of sand. Ultimately, the technique used will depend on the specifics of the mission", says James Murray.