"Synergy", sci-fi short film, Christopher Jungo, 2014, Singapore


Staff member

Published on Mar 20, 2014

Here is the 5-minute IB cut of SYNERGY. This short has been many months in the making so to have it finally released is a relief. This,

SYNERGY is a neo-noir inspired sci-fi short film that explores the implications of human augmentation in a hypothetical near future. The narrative depicts two scenarios from the past and present simultaneously; the former contextualising the events of the latter as Adam, the protagonist, interacts with his robotic arm, AI assistant and concerned girlfriend. Adam's memories, whose dreamlike qualities are emphasised through slow motion, are juxtaposed against current events in a fragmented, aestheticised style befitting of his growing mental instability. Temporal shifts, disguised by cuts to the past and present, serve to condense the sizeable premise into a 5-minute running time.