What's New in 1.2 -- People Insights, Smart Alerts and Twitter
People Insights (Beta)
At its core, Tempo is designed to help you prepare for what's next. In that spirit, People Insights help you learn more about people so you can put your best foot forward, whether it's a first-time meeting or reconnecting with someone after a long spell.
Tempo automatically creates and maintains Profile cards from your connected data sources, including the iPhone Contacts app, Outlook, Gmail and other linked email accounts. The Insights beta feature is baked right into the Profile card, and you find Profile cards for each meeting's attendees, or you can use the Search function to see Insights for people in your network. They're chalk full of:
Most recent emails
Last and next meetings
Mutual Tempo contacts
News about the individual and/or their company
LinkedIn -- mutual connections, summary, current employment, shared links
Facebook -- mutual friends, posts, photos, shared links, check-ins, personal notes and interests
Twitter -- recent tweets
Crunchbase overview
AngelList -- advisor, investor and founder roles and employment
Foursquare mayorships
Meetup groups