TEXHA PA LLC, designing and producing of cage equipment for commercial poultry production, Kyiv, Ukraine

Poultry equipment. Robotized harvesting Model

Published on May 14, 2014

The world's first revolutionary technology of robotized harvesting of birds !

- Programmed parameters of birds harvesting (a technician sets the number of birds per hour depending on the logistics and slaughterhouse capacity and a computer calculates unloading speed)

- A remarkable reduction of bird injuries (1.5-2 times less wing and leg injuries)

- Reduction of bird stress (due to the fact that the unloading is realized in darkness and with no human contact)

- A 15% increase of capacity of poultry house (the distance between batteries is minimal due to the revolutionary technology of bird unloading which allows increasing the number of batteries in a bird house)

- The number of operating staff is reduced to minimum Bird unloading starts from the top tier of the cage and continues tier by tier. Cage floors automatically move towards a tension station, and the bird gets on a moving belt of manure removal. The bird on the tape is transported towards driving station of the battery from which it arrives to the elevator with the raddle chain. The elevator moves the bird to reception live rolls. Everything is taking place in complete darkness and at total absence of service personnel in a poultry house, only under control of the technician. Technical workers only need to load boxes with the birds to the vehicle.