External viewpoint video of real-time capture from a Varjo XR-3 headset, showing how Varjo Reality Cloud sees the world around the user. This is a simplification to show how the world can be captured and streamed in real-time as a 3D representation. At the beginning of the video, the user scans the room and then stops to watch Urho Konttori, CTO and founder of Varjo being present. While Urho is speaking, you see the naturalness of the movement, captured with just a Varjo XR-3 headset in the room, and no additional cameras or recording devices. Camera is able to move freely as it’s all in 3D and not a flat video. Urho is able to sit down naturally, take objects from the world, and open them up. As a visitor in this teleport experience, with a headset on, you can move during the stream freely in the room and see things as if you were there.