Whitesides Group, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Multigait Robot

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2011

Video of a multigait soft robot undulating under a glass obstacle.
See our PNAS paper - "Multi-Gait Soft Robot", Shepherd, R.F., Ilievski.F., Choi.W., Morin.S.A., Stokes.A.A., Mazzeo.A.D., Chen.X., Wang.M., and Whitesides.G.M., PNAS, 2011

Harvard Arthrobots

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Inspired by arthropod insects and spiders, Harvard researchers have created an entirely new type of semi-soft robots capable of standing and walking using drinking straws and inflatable tubing. The team was even able to create a robotic water strider capable of pushing itself along the water’s surface.

"From drinking straws to robots"
Harvard scientists use simple materials to create semi-soft machines that walk like insects

by Peter Reuell
June 13, 2017