Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA


Staff member
Website - whoi.edu






Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Wikipedia

Director - James Bellingham

Products and projects:

Mesobot, autonomous robot

Jetyak, robot boat

Nereid Under Ice (NUI), AUV

Remote Environmental Monitoring UnitS, or REMUS vehicles, low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)

SeaBED, autonomous underwater vehicle

Puma and Jaguar, autonomous underwater vehicles

Nereus, hybrid unmanned autonomous underwater vehicle

Atlantic Shelfbreak: Using Robotic Vehicles to Observe Ocean Life
June 15, 2013

Studies along the shelfbreak—the transition from continental shelf to slope—in the Northwest Atlantic by researchers from WHOI and Rutgers are revealing connections between physical processes in the ocean and the things that live there. In this video, follow along with a team deploying an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) REMUS to explore the waters off the Carolina coast.

Published on Jul 25, 2014
July 19, 2014

REMUS SharkCam: The hunter and the hunted

In 2013, a team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution took a specially equipped REMUS "SharkCam" underwater vehicle to Guadalupe Island in Mexico to film great white sharks in the wild. They captured more than they bargained for.