

April 24, 2013

This is a short visual effects film my friend and I did. Only two people did the post production and editing for this short. We have a total of 28 visual effects shots. I did modeled, textured and rigged the robot head. Kyle and I split the tracking, I did the majority of the tracking, reason being he is the composting artist, which isn't my strong suit. So enjoy!

"Spy vs Guy"
April 23, 2013

A retired Russian spy hunts down dangerous technology after it falls into unsuspecting hands.

Directed by: Seth Worley
Executive Producer: Aharon Rabinowitz
Produced by: Neil Hoppe & Shannon Hoppe

from Vera Bennett
April 22, 2013

My film is about robots, and humans, but mostly robots.

I love to explore the relationship between humans and robots. It is a subject that really interests me, and I try to approach it from different angles. I started wondering what it would be like for a human, a generally emotional being, to be raised by a robot, a being based in logic. I also wondered, if given the proper level of artificial intelligence, how emotional could a rational being like a robot become. Could this protagonist grow to care for the human he has raised, or will he just see the human as a means to an end?

Animation has been my passion and shaped much of my personal character. Writing and story design for animated features and television shows is how I want to spend the rest of my life. I love crafting new worlds and new characters to fill those worlds; I guess you could say storytelling is my passion, and animation is the medium in which I prefer to tell my stories.

Quarantine, like most of my films, started out as vague character designs and a vague concept of the world they lived in. Only over the course of designing and building the characters and sets, did the story begin to take shape. I took some risks and started without a script, only an idea of what I wanted floating around in my mind.

Quarantine was shot in puppet stop motion style, with all sets and characters hand made by myself. I wanted a more ‘choppy’ feel to the animation style that would add to the film’s ‘grungy’, post-apocalyptic world.

Director & Animator: Vera Bennett
Story By: Vera Bennett
Character & Production Design: Vera Bennett
Editor: Vera Bennett, Aaron Soldner
Sound Designer: Aidan Zev Meyer
Background "Buildings": Victor Li

"Quality Control"
from Pablo J. Garmon
April 22, 2013

Score for Quality Control, the third title of "Snap Shorts", a series of animated comic strips with a twist of acid humour. Created by Eran Mendel (eranmendel.com ), animated by Oren Mashkovski (mashko.com).
Music by Pablo J. Garmon

from Marilena Ness
May 19, 2015

A story of woman named Beatrice and her companion robot, Lydig.
Done in flash and illustrator for a school assignment. My second full animation to date.

"A Lady & A Robot", Toby Morris, 2014, Australia
September 21, 2014

A young lady falls in love and elopes with her family's butler, who just happens to be a robot from the future...

Caitlin Scullin | Emma
Chris Stalley | Robot
Roy Billing | Julian Stanley
Sandie Eldridge | Gloria Stanley
Eric Beecroft | Rupert Stanley
James True | Hugh Stanley
Sam Burnett & Toby Morris | Producers
Drew English | Cinematographer
Joff Bush | Composer
Pete Sutton | Gaffer
Hayley Fahd | Hair & Make-Up
Sam Burnett | Production Designer
Phoebe Burnett | Art Dept. Assistant
Matt Campbell & Melissa Mai | VFX
Jamie Hediger | Colourist
Paul Kopetko | Sound Designer

"A Lady & A Robot" on IMDb
Last edited:

"The Last Human in the Milky Way" - a sci-fi short by Benjamin Combes
June 1, 2015

An astronaut and his android have a talk about the place of the Human race in the Universe.
A film by Benjamin Combes.
This short film was shot in 2 days with a crew of 2 people and no budget.

"The Perfect Woman", Charlotte Lomax, 2015, United Kingdom
June 3, 2015

This short film was made for my final major project in College. It is based on the short story of the same name by Matthew Trask.
Written by & Cinematography by Matthew Trask
Directed, Edited & Produced by Charlotte Lomax
Woman - Charlotte Lomax
The Perfect Woman - Katya Moskvina
Under The Skin Original Score - Mika Levi

mungkey, Bneid Al Gar, Kuwait
February 17, 2012

After throwing a question about the end of everything .... the last computer on earth is tasked by an unknown entity to 'think' and 'review' about what has happened to the world ...
I was clearing-up the drives of unused files (for deletion)
and saw some old shots I did with erwin a long time ago just lying around and eating some disk space, and I thought why not try to load 'em up in after effects and see what I can come up with. This is the result. I really didn't think about it that much just a surge of randomicity.
Credits:(Also at the end of the video)
Video Footage shot by the amazing Erwin Magbanua with Canon EOS 7D HDSLR, all of the clips shot in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
check his work over at:
Background Music is by
-Blade Runner
-Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
-A wind named amnesia
-Cyber City Oedo
-Minority Report
-Ghost in the shell
-html,c,ajax,php programming
-linux/unix shell
-The Last Question by Isaac Asimov (1956)

July 13, 2012

MUST SEE animated short film starring a couple of total losers created by Auckland's Media Design School. The comedy is a nod towards the early films of directors Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) and Richard Linklater (Slacker, Dazed and Confused). Directed by James Cunningham with visual effects by eleven Media Design School students.
Find out about Media Design School: mediadesignschool.com

April 8, 2013

Filmed for the Sci-Fi London 48 hour film competition 2013. This is our second year running we have entered the competition and our plan was to raise our bar this year.

from Victoria Duchatelle
April 7, 2013

Flawless is a shortfilm I directed during my first year of bachelor in film-making, it was shot in 2days using Canon 7D.

from Andreas Wannerstedt
June 21, 2011

Track "Inquisition part III" by Matta, taken from the "The Lost" record released by Ad Noiseam (adn126)
They say that we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of death. They say that it's the weight of the human soul.
Well, it was Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts who first attempted to weigh the human soul. In 1907, he placed 6 dying patients on a homemade scale, which also acted as a bed for the patients. More recently in Dan Brown's novel, "the Lost Symbol", there is a segment that explains how "The Institute of Noetic Science" uses noetics to weigh the human soul. After tests on terminally ill patients, it came across that immediately after death, a person's weight dropped.
So, what would happen if they found a way to contain this invincible mass.. this soul.. Obviously the only reason to do this would be to put it in some kind of awesome robot.. yeah!

"Francesco the Robot" (rough cut)
March 28, 2013

An android makes a distressing realization about his human overlords.
Many apologies for the crummy sound, but I needed to upload this video in it's current state for my film class. I'll update it soon.

"Francesco 3" (Updated)
from Julian Bata
March 4, 2015

This is a cleaner version of the film that had been used for my animation portfolio.