This is an update that uses the arms to assist in balancing on the very simple build of a balancing robot using the amazing Android Software Development Kit + the product of a brilliant mind (Ytai Ben-Tsvi): the IOIO-OTG board that allows you to connect an Android Phone to external electronics (servos, switches, relays, sensors, I2C, SPI, Analog, etc,) .. This updated "Version 3" has arms that uses the PID routine to assist the wheels in the balancing process in a similar way we humans do with our arms and legs.. I also connected the Moga Pro Bluetooth Controller to eventually allow me to remotely guide the robot... it is in the early stages ... coding in Java for the Android is intuitive and a lot of fun.. after spending a long time working on trying to get gyros+accelerometers + microcontrollers to work together as a IMU I found the IOIO+OTG.. the rest is story... the Android SDK and the libraries for IOIO+OTG are powerful and easy to use.... I am no expert.. however it took me less than a week to learn and develop the code for a simple Balancing Robot (simple in the sense that is a basic PID routine with no wheel sensor RPM feedback)
This new version is built using parts from servocity . com .. their products and parts makes building robot a million times easier..