Chiara robots playing chess, project Tekkotsu, Computer Science Department Carnegie, Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Chess - Chiara v. Chiara

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2010

The venerable Gamma series plays chess against the up-and-coming Delta series at AAAI 2010 in Atlanta Georgia.

This was part of the Small Scale Manipulation challenge, in which a variety of different robots competed to play chess. The key to this competition was not the chess itself (IBM has already done a fine job with that issue), but to actually move the pieces around the board, promoting development smaller, cheaper robots which still provide interesting functionality.

Our entry demonstrates a number of features from the Tekkotsu robotics framework, including locomotion, localization, path planning, computer vision, and grasping.

Jonathan Coens (shown in video) did the majority of the development work, with support from Ethan Tira-Thompson and our faculty advisor David Touretzky.

Chiara vs. Chiara Robot Chess Match (short version)

Uploaded on Jun 6, 2011

Two Chiara robots playing chess at AAAI-10 in Atlanta. Software by Jonathan Coens, with some assistance from Ethan Tira-Thompson. Hardware by Dave Touretzky and Jonathan Coens