
Cyborg dragonflies operate on solar power and can be used as surveillance cameras - TomoNews

Published on Feb 3, 2017

Cambridge, Massachusetts — Scientists have created a technology that can turn flying insects into surveillance drones.

The technology makes use of a tiny backpack equipped with solar power and navigation systems. The backpack is fitted onto a dragonfly and commands the insect using optogenetics, a biological technique that uses light to control the “steering” neurons inside the nerve cord. The same setup can be applied to other insects of similar size, such as honeybees.

“This system pushes the boundaries of energy harvesting, motion sensing, algorithms, miniaturization and optogenetics, all in a system small enough for an insect to wear,” J. Wheeler, biomedical engineer at Draper and Howard Hughes Medical Institute and principal investigator of the technology said in a press release.

The cyborg dragonflies could be turned into tiny surveillance systems. Other applications of this technology may include guided pollination, payload delivery and precision medicine and diagnostics.

Scientists turned a dragonfly into a drone

Published on Jun 7, 2017

Drones are good. But at a certain point it's hard to make them really small. Scientists figured out a way, though: take a dragonfly and drone-ify it. DragonflyEye is a tiny cyborg dragonfly drone. It's a genetically modified dragonfly with a tiny electronic backpack.

Bionic humans aren’t science fiction | Michael McAlpine | TEDxMinneapolis

Jan 6, 2020

A smartwatch printed directly onto your skin? Bionic human eyes and ears? A 3D printer that prints human cells? This isn’t science fiction; augmented humans are around the corner. Not only that, integrating technology with biology will soon be within the grasp of the average person, potentially taking us all beyond our current human limitations. Michael McAlpine is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota, where he researches the 3D printing of functional materials and devices. His team has made breakthroughs in the realm of bionic human devices including 3D printed spinal cord implants and 3D printed bionic eyes, which were recognized by National Geographic in January 2019 as one of 12 Innovations that will Revolutionize the Future of Medicine. Michael has received a number of awards, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

JIZAI ARMS Turns Humans Into 'Cyborgs' With 6 Robotic Arms

May 8, 2023

Jizai Arms is a system of supernumerary robotic limbs. Up to six of these arms can be worn and controlled by the user. The limbs allow the wearer to attach, detach, replace or edit the arms. This was designed to enable social interaction between wearers to support human beings acting with robots and AI while maintaining a sense of self awareness and widening the possibility of human actions.


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