"SuperBot - A magnifying mess", short animation, Trexel Animation, Pablo A. Diaz and Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso, 2010, Argentina

"SuperBot - A magnifying mess", 2010
May 24, 2013

For some awesome additional material regarding SuperBot, visit us at Behance: bit.ly/1j7P36d


SuperBot, a tiny toy robot, will learn that reality depends on the looking glass you are looking through.

This short animated film plays double duty as the pilot episode for an animated series project.
We are currently seeking financial support. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please take a look at the following link: trexel.net/downloads/SuperBot_project.jpg

Technical data:

Script, Animation and Direction: Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso & Pablo Alberto D?az.
Character Design and Texturing: Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso
Cinematography and Postproduction: Pablo Alberto Diaz
Modeling and Rigging: Juan Elias, Matias Condomi & Nicolas Broner
Original soundtrack: Ber Chese & Ezequiel "Chicho" Scillone.
Sound: Ber Chese & Ezequiel "Chicho" Scillone.

Awards and Screenings
By october 2013 "SuperBot - A magnifying mess" has taken part in over 20 national and international film festivals.