TIAGo (Take It And Go) Mobile Manipulator, PAL Robotics, Barcelona, Spain


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Manufacturer - PAL Robotics

Home page - pal-robotics.com/robot/tiago


Playlist "TIAGo Robot In Action"

At Pal Robotics we are passionate for robotics. Today we are proud to introduce you to our latest robot the Mobile Manipulator TIAGo (Take It And Go), aimed at becoming your best research partner.

TIAGo is a mobile research platform enabled for perception, manipulation and interaction tasks. The robot comprises a sensorized pan-tilt head, a lifting torso and an arm that ensure a large manipulation workspace. It has been designed to have a versatile hand contributing to its manipulation and interaction skills. TIAGo is flexible, configurable, open, upgradable and affordable. An advanced robot to boost research areas from low level control to high level applications and service robotics.

It is fully compatible with ROS, the open source, non-proprietary robotics middleware.
In addition, it comes with multiple out-of-the-box functionalities like:

Multi-sensor navigation

Collision free motion planning
Detection of people, faces and objects
Speech recognition and synthesis

All of which can be replaced for your own implementations: our system is open for you and adapts to your needs.
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TIAGo - Pre-Release

Published on Jul 30, 2015

TIAGo, the mobile manipulator: it is a service robot created by PAL Robotics to provide the best help in universities and research institutions. TIAGo is an ideal platform for research, as it combines navigation, perception, manipulation and human-interaction abilities. Watch TIAGo's prototype in action on this video.

TIAGo - Demos

Published on Oct 16, 2015

TIAGo performing the demos showed in IROS 2015. Gravity compensation mode, Whole Body Control demos or learning-by-demonstration are some of TIAGo's demos in this video.

TIAGo - The Construct Simulator

Published on Feb 9, 2016

PAL Robotics’ TIAGo simulation in The Construct. TIAGo robot is 100% ROS and open-source. Learn how to simulate with our mobile manipulator following these simple steps!

TIAGo, the mobile manipulator robot

Published on Mar 16, 2016

TIAGo is a robotic platform for research with navigation, perception, manipulation and HRI abilities. It is ROS compatible and has applications in Ambient Assisted Living, light industry, or anything else that combines its abilities.

TIAGo robot - manipulation tests

Published on May 10, 2016

Manipulation tests performed by TIAGo, the mobile manipulator developed by PAL Robotics. All the manipulation tasks were done with human tele-operation using PAL's Whole Body Control software suite with a simple gamepad.

TIAGo - Demos

Published on Jul 26, 2016

PAL Robotics' mobile manipulator TIAGo opens many possibilities for researchers. These are four demos PAL Robotics developed for TIAGo:

- 0:09 Arm in gravity compensation mode.
- 0:24 Whole Body Control software package.
- 0:52 Leap motion camera teleoperation.
- 1:09 Accomplish a goal through Whole Body Control software.
- 1:24 TIAGo's guidance by pulling its arm

TiaGo robot performing task - RoboCup@Home, team Alle@home

Published on Feb 3, 2017

This video shows the robot TiaGo grasping a can. It was made the student team Alle@Home, which is applying to compete in the RoboCup@Home competition in the open league.

TIAGo - Learning by demonstration

Published on Oct 27, 2017

Learning by demonstration software application for which TIAGo can pre-record movements and repeat them as many times as requested. The software is useful for collaborative tasks with people in fields like Industry 4.0.

TIAGo - Robot Workspace versatility

Published on Oct 30, 2017

TIAGo has a wide range of mobility thanks to its 12 Degrees of Freedom (without end-effector). Its 7 Dof arm and lifting torso enables TIAGo to reach objects from the floor up to 1.70cm height.

TIAGo - Gravity compensation

Published on Oct 31, 2017

PAL Robotics' gravity compensation mode enables the development of multiple applications for robots that can match different needs, are safe and flexible. This video shows different examples of TIAGo demonstrations that use the gravity compensation mode.

TIAGo - Whole body control

Published on Nov 6, 2017

PAL Robotics' Whole Body Control is a ROS-based software system customized by our team to develop high-level applications by abstracting the complexity of a robot, especially when it has a large number of DoF. This is the case with humanoids TALOS, REEM-C or TIAGo.